Installation assistance

With our installation assistance service, make every step a smooth transition to your new cocoon!

We'll take care of everything so that your home is ready for you when you arrive!

Our installation assistance service is designed to offer you a smooth and serene transition to your new home.

From the signing of the lease to the inventory of fixtures and the opening of the various contracts, we're here to simplify every step of the process and make your move as stress-free as possible.

Let us take care of the administrative details, so you can concentrate on what really matters - getting used to your new home.

Subscriptions not to forget


We offer you a professional, efficient and quality service to make your move easier!

We assist you in signing the lease, guiding you through the terms and conditions to ensure a clear understanding. We ensure that the lease is free of defects in accordance with current regulations.
Lease signing is usually done remotely and electronically.

A member of our team represents you or accompanies you during the move-in inspection, guaranteeing a transparent, documented process and a good start to the tenancy.
We use a power of attorney if you are absent and we represent you.

We take care of opening essential contracts such as electricity, gas, water, Internet and home insurance.

This service is for you if...

You're encountering a number of constraints in carrying out these tasks: first-time subscribers, language barrier, research location different from your current home...

If you're a foreigner, you'll need support to make sure your project runs smoothly.

You're looking for a smooth, stress-free installation experience.

You have little time to devote to these tasks and prefer to delegate the administrative aspects of your installation.

Our experienced team and its specialized tools offer you professional assistance throughout the process.

From essential contracts to administrative aspects, we make sure that everything is in order so that you can settle quickly and comfortably into your new Home Sweet Home.

supported families

No need to worry! In most cases, the lease is signed electronically.
We can represent you with a power of attorney and collect your keys on arrival.
We'll meet you on arrival to hand over the keys and present you with a welcome gift.

Your presence is not required. We take care of opening the contracts on your behalf, with your prior consent and, if necessary, the signing of a power of attorney.
The electricity contract is taken out before the move-in inspection (meters are increasingly connected, which facilitates the process) to ensure that the contract is operational on the first day of the lease. The water contract is usually taken out just after the move-in inspection and the water meter reading.
The water contract is usually taken out just after the inventory of fixtures and the water meter reading.
The Internet subscription can be taken out before the inventory of fixtures, especially if there is fiber, which requires a technician to come and connect it.

We're here to help if you have a preference in energy suppliers and Internet operators.
In any case, before you sign up, we compare the different offers on the market and present them to you so that you can make an informed choice.
